Friday, 18 February 2011

Another day of rain but I will run!

Today is another day of rain but I am feeling good and positive enough to run in it followed by a spinning class. I have decided there is no point waiting for the rain to disappear as it is all part of the training. Who knows what the weather will bring on the actual race day!

A friend with whom I have not been in contact for ages has not only just sponsored me with a kind amount; she has also suggested (I am yet to read it) a book by John J. Ratey called Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. It looks into the importance of exercise and the affects it has on the brain.

Writing this blog has made me appreciate friendship (near and far) and the kindness of people, as well as the significance of a healthy mind. We often think about a healthy diet and lifestyle without also remembering how important a healthy mind is. All elements work together. Without one we would not function to our full capacity. This leads me to the conclusion that exercise plays a major role in our day-to-day life. Since I have been running I have been feeling more energetic and positive. I enjoy each day as it comes rather than worrying about what tomorrow brings or what the past had brought. My suggestion to anyone who may be feeling down is to find an activity which you enjoy and let that influence you. It may take some time to discover but that is part of the fun! Enjoy and be happy as this maintains a healthy mind, which contributes to a healthy way of life.

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